The Priestess.

2 min readMay 12, 2021

Tap into your intuitive, spaceholding potential.

Photo: Eberhard Grossgasteiger

We have come to the final archetype in this series. The Priestess. She rules the upper centers (throat, third eye, and crown). She is the element of Ether. She loves this playlist.

She is the archetype within us that channels. The visionary. The seer. The healer. The spaceholder.

The Priestess is one of the more masculine archetypes. She is present. She does not go into her own emotional processes, but rather, she holds the space for others to do so.

Tapping into the Priestess will clear your shit real fast. When you call her in, it’s like a deep clean. Any of your emotional baggage will be cleared out of the way so that you can show up as a clear channel.

She corresponds to the sign of Virgo. She loves organization, minimalism, and hygiene (physical, emotional, and spiritual). When tapping into the Priestess, you might have the sudden urge to cleanse and clear your space.

She is confident and intentional in her movements. She is attuned to the subtle vibrations and frequencies of the space. She clears the space as she dances through it.

Of course, everyone’s inner Priestess will look and feel slightly different. Everyone has different medicine and space clearing techniques. However, the Priestess generally receives her wisdom from above, through the crown. She is the bridge between the upper realms and the earthly realms.

Tap into your inner Priestess when you are about to hold space, whether that is for a friend going through a process, teaching a yoga class, holding a meeting, etc. If you ever feel like you can’t show up to lead or hold space because of your own life stuff getting in the way, call in your inner Priestess and she will get you on track ASAP. She does not waste time.




Barefoot, dancing, resting, dreaming, writing.